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Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Progress (ISSN BRIN: 3032-7059; ISSN International: 3032-7059;  Short Abbreviation Title: J. Chem. Eng. Res. Prog.) is a research journal and invites contributions of the presentation of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in chemical engineering discipline.

Papers which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of techniques from other disciplines, including: fundamentals of chemical engineering; advanced materials related to chemical engineering; applied/industrial chemistry; chemical reaction engineering kinetics; chemical reactor design and optimization; chemical engineering process design and computation; etc. related to chemical engineering discipline.

This journal is published by UPT Laboratorium Terpadu,Diponegoro University (Laboratory of Plasma-Catalysis). The technical management of this journal was performed by BCREC Publishing Group

For year 2024, 2 issues are scheduled for publication with 8-10 articles per issue (June and December). Commencement of publication: June 2024.

Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Progress is a fully open access international journal. Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge (fully Open Access) in order to enhance the readability and citability of articles. There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) Fee at this time

Editor in ChiefProf. Dr. I. Istadi.  More info about Editorial Team here.
International Diversity of Editors/Editorial Board: 10 Editors from 5 Countries/Regions. 
Time to First Decision = 1 week
Review Time = 4-5 weeks
Publication Time = 1 weeks
Current Acceptance Rate = 60%
Time to First Decision is the average number of weeks it takes for an article to go from manuscript submission to the initial decision on the article whether it will be rejected, revised before review, or continued to review process, including standard and desk rejects.
Review Time is the average number of weeks it takes for an article (after the first decision) to go through the editorial review process for this journal, including standard and desk rejects.
Publication Time is the average number of weeks it takes to reach from manuscript acceptance, layouting process, to the first appearance of the article PDF fulltext online (with DOI).
Current Acceptance Rate is percentage of submitted articles accepted during a calendar year; the total number of articles accepted out of the total number of articles submitted in the same year.

2024: JCERP, Volume 1 Issue 1 Year 2024 (June 2024)

Michael Natan Syalom, Fauzan Akmal Danuwijaya, Lalu Muhammad Imam Rusully, Muhammad Arif Tirtana Aradhea

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20097

Calvinio Juan Sebastian, Fidelis Neo Adhyaksa, Mutiara Tabitha Kamal, Vincentius Edward Susanto

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20094

Muhammad Auliya Faisal, Faradiba Puspaningrum, Fera Yeniza Novalia, Tian Shilfa Sabrilla

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20093

Astrid Eka Permatasari, Syalaisa Nanda Syabila, Hly Tyas Ajeng Kartika Dewi, Rufaidah Nilam Zahra

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20091

Devina Neala Arva Owena, Bruce Wills Steadman Loeharja, Halilintar Hardani, Herda Cahyaningrum

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20106

Muhammad Ahdan, Alfan Rizky Saputra, Rifqy Ivan, Yohanes Mangarohontua Panjaitan

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20089

Finishia Sutjahjo, Lathifa Medri, Syarafina Alyani, Cindy Leviona Budhy

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20100

Dio Fani Vernando, Muhammad Rodifa, Rizdian Arsyal Muhammad, Raysa Yuliana Br Simanungkalit

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.9767/jcerp.20104

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Mailing Address

Editorial Office of Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Progress
BCREC Publishing Group and PT Laboratorium Terpadu, Universitas Diponegoro
Laboratory of Plasma-Catalysis (R3.5), UPT Laboratorium Terpadu, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 50275
Telp/Whatsapp: +62-81-316426342
E-mail: jcerp[at]


Principal Contact

Prof. Dr. I. Istadi

Support Contact

Dr. Teguh Riyanto