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Conference Publication Collaboration (2024)

Important Note: Started from year 2022, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis ONLY considers international conference with specific scopes relevant to Focus and Scope of this journal ( . 


To suggest conference collaboration for publishing selected accepted peer-reviewed articles, Editor of Conference should contact first to Editorial Office of BCREC journal by email (

After contacting the Editorial Office and having a chance, a suggestion of conference collaboration can be proposed through the following online form: Online Form for Conference Collaboration  


For the conference collaboration, including in a regular issue or a special issue will be determined by Editor-in-Chief of BCREC journal. In fact, this journal never published a special issue of a conference but usually combined with a regular issue with similar article quality. Publication date will depend on how long reviewer takes the review process and also depend on how long the authors take the revision.
Important: Please be noted that only selected papers followed the focus and scopes that can be submitted to the Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis ( The decision of selected papers submitted by Conference Committee will be determined by Editors of BCREC journal and will be communicated to Conference Committee.
All articles published by this journal must be peer-reviewed by scientific reviewers. For the conference collaboration, articles should be reviewed by, firstly, Reviewers assigned by Conference Editor during the conference (one reviewer) or by Scientific Committee Member of Conference, and secondly should be re-reviewed consequently by peer-reviewers of BCREC journal (one reviewer or more) after submitted to journal submission portal ( Final decision of the article is upon the decision of Editors of BCREC journal. 
All selected conference articles must follow substantial review on the following matters:  
  1. Scientific merit: notably scientific rigor, accuracy, and correctness.
  2. Originality: Is the work relevant and novel?
  3. Clarity of expression; English spelling and grammar; communication of ideas; readability and discussion of concepts.
  4. Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing.
  5. Abstract: Does it contain the essential information of the article? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service?
  6. Diagrams, figures, tables, and captions: Are they essential and clear?
  7. Text and mathematics: Are they brief but still clear? If you recommend shortening, please suggest what should be omitted.
  8. Conclusion: Does the paper contain a carefully written conclusion, should answer the objectives, summarizing what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful?
About the Conference Publication Agreement, Editorial Office of BCREC journal will send the agreement form that should be signed by Conference Editor and Editor in Chief of BCREC journal once all terms and conditions are approved.
Because of the open-access publishing of this journal, Conference Organiser should agree to pay the Publisher Article Processing Charge (APC) (to be charged at a certain rate per article) concerning publishing the conference articles in BCREC journal after the articles have been accepted. The charge of articles will be used for DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number implementation by CrossRef, review process, and layout-editing process in this journal. Each article published in this journal will be assigned to a unique DOI number/address. 
As Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis is a fully open access journal, your paper will be available to anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world.

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis journal has collaborated with the following conference to publish the best selected papers after peer-review process:


  1. The 10th International Symposium on Applied Chemistry (ISAC 2024) in conjunction with The 4th International Conference on Chemical, Process and Product Engineering (ICCPPE) 2024 and The 11st Conference on Emerging Energy & Process Technology (CONCEPT) 2024, organized by Research Center for Chemistry, BRIN, PPI South Tangerang, Indonesia (23rd-24th October 2024)(URL: )
  2. The 28th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2024) in conjunction with The 3rd International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering (ISIChem 2024), organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia and Indonesian Chemical Engineering Education Association (APTEKIM). Date/venue of conference: 13–14 November 2024, Bali, Indonesia (URL: )


  1. The 9th International Symposium on Applied Chemistry (ISAC 2023) in conjunction with The 5th International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME) 2023, Research Center for Chemistry, BRIN, PPI South Tangerang, Indonesia (“as Conference/Organizer”) (6th-8th December 2023)(URL:



  1. The 1st Malaysia International Conference on Nanotechnology and Catalysis 2021 (MICNC 2021) (1st-3rd September 2021)(URL:
  2. The 1st International Conference (virtual) on Sustainable Energy and Catalysis 2021 (ICSEC 2021) (16-17th February 2021)(URL:



  1. The 3rd International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Process and Engineering 2020) (IC3PE 2020) (URL:
  2. -------------------2019-------------------------------------
  3. International Symposium of Green Engineering and Technology 2019 (ISGET 2019) (URL:
  4. -------------------2018-------------------------------------
  5. International Conference on Catalysis 2018 (iCAT 2018) (URL:
  6. The 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME) 2018 (URL:
  7. 4th International Conference of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Biotechnology (ICCEIB 2018) (URL:
  8. ------------------2017---------------------------
  9. The 2nd International Chemical Process and Modeling Forum 2017 (CPMF 2017), 15-16 March 2017, United Arab Emirates. (URL:
  10. The International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering (FluidsChE 2017), Malaysia. (URL:
  11. International Conference on Chemical, Process and Product Engineering (2016) (URL:
  12. The 2nd International Seminar on Chemistry (ISoC 2016) (Surabaya, 26-27 July 2016) (
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------
  14. The 2nd International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering 2015 (ICCME 2015) (29-30 September 2015) (
  15. The International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering (FluidsChE 2015)( (25-27 November 2015)
  16. 2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) (16-18 May 2015, Beijing, China) ( )
  17. -------------------------------------------------------------
  18. 3rd ITB Catalysis Symposium 2013 (
  19. 2nd ITB Catalysis Symposium 2012 (
  20. International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME) 2012 (